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Thursday, November 11, 2010

When a Heart Says Good Bye..................

It’s the lonely feeling in the pit of your stomach;

The never ending hurt that rips through your soul.

It’s the single tear that trails silently down your face,

The emptiness leaves you bare and cold.

It’s the vast distance between your heart and his…

Not touching, unbending, no longer intertwined.

A realization from way down deep,

The hearts’ bridge, you cannot find.

It’s the silent scream that your heart yells;

A shout released when you know the end is near…

It’s the knot of anxiety that stays with you.

Just another emotion to add to your fear.

A heart’s goodbye…it’s a hurtful thing.

It’s the consequence of “Cinderella’s lie”.

Hearts break…souls go bare…it’s a love that’s lost.

Everyone loses when a heart says goodbye

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